A voice of reason in the crowd.

Quote from @coachlisaO
“Entrepreneurs Plan for Multiple contingencies – Positive thinking is important, but you are not a Jedi yet, you cannot conjure money up out of thin air. Positive Thinking only gets you so far; you must have Positive Thinking combined with specific targeted action to get massive results.”

Straight Up Business Talk


Wanna Be’s obsess over Ideas.

Entrepreneurs obsess over implementation – Don’t analysis everything all at once – just focus on what is generating profit – don’t try to reinvent the wheel.

Wannabes focus on Leads.

Entrepreneurs focus on Conversions – Implement marketing systems that close the sale for you.

Wannabes focus on Positive Thinking.

Entrepreneurs Plan for Multiple contingencies – Positive thinking is important, but you are not a Jedi yet, you cannot conjure money up out of thin air.  Positive Thinking only gets you so far; you must have Positive Thinking combined with specific targeted action to get massive results

Wannbes focus on Building Fame.

Entrepreneurs build the business. Let ego go: Your focus should making as much money as possible as quickly as possible; this will inspire others to do the same.

Wannabes seek the Perfect Plan at the Perfect time.

Entrepreneurs Take Action when Seeing Opportunity

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